Artist: Basement 5
Tune: Last White Christmas
Album: 1965-1980/ In Dub
So every now and again i deviate somewhat from my digital beatboy tendencies and get all shook up by a rockin' tune.
This is one of those. I heard it this evening on the radio show, Things That Go Rock over on KOOP, a community radio station here in Austin (one of the great things about living here).
This is as close to a Christmas tune that I will ever post.
Produced by Martin Hannett (prodcuer extrodinaire and co-founder of Factory Records).
From Wikipedia, here is the lowdown on Basement 5:
"Basement 5 was a reggae band from London influenced by punk founded in 1978. Its vocalist was Winston Fergus then Don Letts and in 1979 Dennis Morris, a photographer. The drums were finally played by Richard Dudanski who had played in Public Image Ltd. before. The songs reflected the situation of young people in Great Britain in the era of Margaret Thatcher: youth unemployment, strikes, racism, and the poverty of the working class. The band split up in 1980."
Check out more about them at theirspace.
This tune is so tightly produced with a massive driving bassline that is very Motorhead. I have tried to find the lyrics as they sound great, I just can't fully understand them! Am I getting old? ;-)
So folks- a very Merry Christmas to everyone who enjoys the fruits of CubikMusik. Have a great time doing whatever it is that you do.
I am off home to Ireland tomorrow and the next post will be live and direct from the collection of JC who has been mentioned on CubikMusik just once or twice as a great musical influcence on me. We will be converting lots of vinyl to mp3 (with this wonderful turntable) so expect some choice tunes to be coming your way.
J'espère que vous garderez mettre à jour votre contenu sans cesse que vous avez un lecteur dédié ici.
Posted by: white iphone 4 | January 06, 2011 at 03:14 AM