I am sitting on my porch on a 95 degree (Fahrenheit)/ 35 degree (Celsius ) evening here in Austin. I've spent pretty much every night over the past month like this. Listening to music, drinking beers, enjoying the heat and pretty much soaking up a particular lifestyle that I've become accustomed to.
Tomorrow I leave Texas which has been my adoptive home for the past 4 1/2 years. I am on my way back home to Ireland to start the next stage of my life.
I am very much looking forward to being closer to my family and friends there as, in all honesty, being away from them was the most difficult part to living half way around the world. This is not a disrespect to anyone that I have befriended since I arrived in the States 6 years ago, but I think you know that. ;) A new adventure lies ahead as I explore new opportunities and start to build on some of the 'virtual' friendships that I have formed through cubikmusik. London is a definite place for me to visit to have beers and chats about music and life with my friends at innersounds, dilated choonz, unusual & electric and beyond. I look forward to that day.
I have loved my time here in the States but have a special affinity for Texas. When I was moving here I was asked, on many occasions "why are you moving to Texas?". Why not I say? In fairness I moved to Austin which is quite different from most other parts of Texas but nonetheless...Texas it is and I still love it for what it is.
So, what will I miss about the great state of Texas, the amazing city of Austin and the States in general? Hard to remember everything that has brought me good times so if I left something out I apologize.
In no particular order, except the first which is always highest on my list, people:
The many, many, many great people that I have had the honor and privilege of sharing part of my life with in various capacities. Some will go unmentioned (as they don't read cubikmusik, but will know how I feel about them) but others I will call out.
Sergio and Josh in San Diego who I got to share much time with talking about and listening to great music and generally enjoying company.
Jodi from San Diego who will always be a dear friend to me. I miss you Jodi.
Doug over at AustinSound. Doug, keep on keepin' on mate. You're on the right track with what you do.
Mr.Curiosity (Lawrence) who taught me to try and be more sponge-like when it comes to music ,that the little things in life really don't matter and to live life to the fullest.
Michael at Sonic Itch Music who is full of surprises and an absolute pleasure to hang out and work with.
The do512 crew who welcomed me, and others, into their offices, lives and parties so that everyone could feed off the exciting energy that they have.
Dev and the BlogFreshRadio crew. A pleasure to have gotten to know virtually and then to have been able to hang out at SXSW was superb,
Each and every one of you is always welcome to come visit in Ireland someday (soon). I have also met countless others be it briefly or over varying periods of time so please know that those times I treasure also.
Here's a run down of some of my favourite places and things that I leave behind:
the salt lick. (Its in a 'dry county' so you get to BYOB),
fireman's #4 (brewed in Austin..i love it!),
mean eyed cat (the best damn johnny cash shrine in the world),
the side bar (best damn jukebox in a bar),
the heat (gimme hot over cold anyday),
bird's barbershop (I was pretty close to trying to open up a barbershop like this in Austin as there was a serious opening in the market. Along came Bird's to save me all the hard work. How can you beat a cold beer and video-games while you wait for a haircut?)
Going to East Texas, hanging out over good food, lively conversation and shooting guns. (Yeh, I know. Not PC to like guns and stuff but it sure is fun shooting clay pigeons and coke cans for an hour or two on a Saturday in the sun!).
Road trips across the many, many miles of roads with little or no traffic, the sun and a stereo blaring out top tunes as you race down the highway at 80+ miles per hour.
Balboa Park in San Diego.
Vegas Baby! (so many great memories from that crazy town).
Padres games (especially in their amazing new stadium).
The Spurs (next year Rick, next year).
Disneyland (always an amazing time with family trips there).
sxsw (what a guaranteed fun time)
last but not least....sitting on my back porch with an ice cold beer, listening to crickets and watching fireflies all over my garden. Its a beautiful thing.
I will return to Austin, hopefully making SXSW a regular trip each year but will also come back to visit friends across the States so that I can further explore this country that welcomed me with open arms.
So, with that. goodbye ya'll.
Recently i am looking fot the white iphone 4 conversion kit. If you have any recommendation, plz tell me. I will be very grateful!
Posted by: Henry Peise | December 27, 2010 at 01:25 AM
Thanks for flagging this mate... my 10 days at SXSW pails as I read this LOL...
But 2 steppin' at the Spoke was a highlight!!!
Posted by: Phil Cooper | March 27, 2010 at 08:57 PM
Looking forward to it, drinks next week :)
Posted by: jez | July 11, 2008 at 05:07 PM
texas is special. i'm glad you got to experience SXSW, Austin and all that makes TEXAS a state of mind - and it's own country really.
glad you got to experience america from the inside - and found the stuff that there is to love about that great country. (and deal patiently with some of the other stuff ;-)
i do know what you mean about missing your family and friends you've known for so long. yes, new friends are special and now a part of your heart - but you really, really miss family and friends you've known for years or all your life. especially during the lows in living in a new place.
good luck in your new path you've taken in the fork-in-the-road. hope to run into you sometime when you return to the 'ol sod.
Posted by: denise cox | June 23, 2008 at 10:32 AM
we too are looking to having you home, but know how you feel about texas, we loved it . x dad, mam
Posted by: dad and mam | June 20, 2008 at 07:26 PM
happy/sad times bro. Looking forward to having you home.
Posted by: keith bohanna | June 20, 2008 at 08:53 AM