following on from my bass heavy post yesterday and talk of some incoming nights out in dublin to celebrate all things bass comes news (via nialler9) that the bug and warrior queen will be playing in November also at twisted pepper the new bodytonic venue brought to you by a$$quake. I tell you this kinda bass activity won't be happen' in texas for quite a while!
Download 01_poison_dart_south_rakkas_crew_remix.mp3
For more of the bug go here and here.
also check out a south rakkas crew post on cubikmusik earlier this year. I missed them playing in Dublin last week as I was planted in the UK doing some training. boooo! anyone go? what was it like?
buy 'poison dart': iTunes
Update: AH crap! both ghislain poirier and the bug/ warrior queen play on the same night! either the join forces or there had better an after-party with all of them there!
very cool. thanks cubik
Posted by: fionah | October 21, 2008 at 09:09 AM